Funny Anecdotes in Daily Life

Funny Anecdotes in Daily Life

Today, at work, something hilarious happened at the drive-through. A man at the window wanted to pay for the person behind him and told me to tell her that he thought she was hot. When she pulled up next, I relayed the message, and she rolled her eyes, smiled, and said, “That’s my husband!” Relationship goals, right? Millennials be like, terrible service, but still give 5 stars and a 20% tip. Breaking news: a pit bull in a car pulled out her Teddy toy to show it to another dog. In my history class, my teacher puts memes in his lessons. They are terrible and not funny, but you have to appreciate his effort to make us laugh. Just now, while walking down the street eating a banana, I spotted a woman at a bus stop also eating a banana. To her horror and mine, I couldn’t resist raising my banana to her in a sort of banana toast gesture. She looked very confused but adorably bobbed her banana back.