在FIFA 23中获取Sedan:是否值得?

在FIFA 23中获取Sedan:是否值得?

For a dedicated FIFA player like myself, obtaining Sedan, one of the highly sought-after players in FIFA 23, has been a frustrating and elusive goal. After spending hours upon hours and opening numerous packs in search of this prized player, I have yet to receive the coveted match-winning juice from EA.

Frustrated with my unsuccessful attempts, I made a public vow to never spend another penny on FIFA 23. However, my desire to have Sedan on my team still burns brightly. And so, the question arises: is there a way to acquire him without spending a dime?

Unfortunately, the reality is that EA is not known for its generosity when it comes to releasing players like Sedan for free. The chances of me miraculously getting him without any monetary investment are extremely slim. Yet, despite the odds, I have been flooded with messages from fellow players who claim to have acquired Sedan for free. Their gloating messages filled with excitement and claims of stolen juice only added to my frustration.

Then, EA dropped the bombshell: the 93 plus repeatable ICON Pick pack. After months of grinding and accumulating over 2,000 items, I realized that if I sold my entire club, I would have enough coins to purchase 25 of these icon picks. The temptation was overwhelming. Do I sacrifice my club and lose players like Daniel and Pele for the chance to obtain one card? Absolutely.

And so, with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, I sold everybody and embarked on opening the 25 icon picks live. Would I finally be rewarded with Sedan or would my efforts be in vain?

Follow along as I unravel the excitement and disappointment of my journey towards obtaining Sedan in FIFA 23.