Opening 11 Packs and Building a Dream Team in FIFA 21

Opening 11 Packs and Building a Dream Team in FIFA 21

In today’s video, I am going to open 11 packs in FIFA 21 and see if I can build a dream team. I have selected one player from each fight and put them in my team. But there’s a twist - for every goal I concede, I have to discard a player.

Do you ever get tired of facing teams that are much better than yours? Well, I have a solution for you. You can buy FIFA 21 coins from Foot23. They are cheap, fast, and reliable. And if you use my code ‘Daddy’, you can get 5% off. So make sure to give them a try!

Now let’s get into the pack openings. Will we get any guaranteed walkouts or icons? Let’s find out!

As I open the first pack, the anticipation is high. And there it is, a walkout! It’s Cristiano Ronaldo, what a start!

Moving on to the next pack, I am hoping for another walkout. And boom, there it is! We got Lionel Messi, 90 rated. This is going to be a great addition to the team!

Unfortunately, not every pack is a walkout. But hey, I’ll take an 85 rated player any day of the week. Building this dream team is going to be exciting.

Stay tuned to see how the rest of the pack openings go and how our dream team shapes up. It’s going to be an epic journey in FIFA 21!