The Great Cheese Deluge: A Skyrim Mod Experiment

The Great Cheese Deluge: A Skyrim Mod Experiment

In a bold gaming experiment, I have created a mod for Skyrim that spawns a cheese wheel every second for every single NPC in the game. With this mod in place, I have set out to beat the Dark Brotherhood quest line as quickly as possible. But the question that arises is not only whether I can beat the 27-minute world record, but also whether it is even possible to complete the quest line at all with the overwhelming amount of cheese that will be present in Skyrim. As you know, items in Skyrim do not despawn, so each cheese wheel that is spawned will remain in the game indefinitely.

To ensure that my powerful new computer, equipped with a top-of-the-line 4070 graphics card, can handle this cheese-filled mayhem, I have added a cheese counter at the top left of the screen. This counter will keep track of the total number of cheeses spawned into the game. Now, it’s time for your predictions. How many cheese wheels do you think we can stuff into Skyrim before the game becomes unplayable?

As the experiment progresses, I will periodically increase the number of cheese wheels spawned by each NPC, unleashing an even greater cheese deluge upon Skyrim. Oh, and by the way, in a previous test, it took a whopping 3,200 cheese wheels concentrated in Whiterun to crash Skyrim. So, the stakes are high!

Now, let’s begin the fastest Skyrim Speed Run of my life. As I venture through the game, I’m hearing the sounds of weapons dropping on the ground. Could it be the cheese causing this chaos? It’s hard to say, but we must soldier on.

As the cheese wheel count climbs up to 500, everything seems to be running smoothly. Well, except for that horse over there. It’s having some… issues. But we’re still fine. As we push the limits and reach 2,170 cheese wheels, the game starts to show signs of strain. NPCs are being pushed up into the air, and Pinkie Pie seems to be experiencing some odd behavior.

Despite the challenges, I am determined to continue this experiment. Can Skyrim withstand the Great Cheese Deluge? Stay tuned to find out!