The Unconventional Marketing Strategy that Saved Pixar Elemental

The Unconventional Marketing Strategy that Saved Pixar Elemental

In the gaming industry, there’s an expression: ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’ It emphasizes the importance of diversifying your efforts to ensure safety. However, sometimes, going all in on one thing can lead to a massive success. Let’s take a look at how Pixar’s desperate marketing strategy saved their potentially disastrous movie, Elemental.

Elemental had a rough start at the box office. The film lacked hype, and people were not excited enough to watch it. Pixar needed a miracle to turn things around. In their moment of weakness, they turned to the dark side: TikTok, the turbo cringe platform beloved by Zoomers. They hatched a nefarious scheme to create the illusion of excitement.

The scheme involved creating social media posts, including one stating that Claude, a minor character in the movie, had the entire theater cheering for him. This post, filled with unrealistic hype, was shared on their official Twitter account. The idea was absurd, as Claude was a new character whom no one had heard of before. Yet, this unconventional marketing strategy worked wonders.

People went wild over Claude. They believed the fantasy they were presented with, not the reality. The theater became a frenzy of excitement, as if their home team had won the Super Bowl. This delusional idea, although fake, generated buzz and intrigue around the movie.

In the end, Pixar’s gamble paid off. Elemental went from being a potential flop to a blockbuster hit. The lesson here is that sometimes, taking unconventional marketing approaches and creating a buzz can turn the tables and save a failing project. It’s not always about spreading yourself thin; it’s about finding the right strategy to capture the attention and interest of your target audience.

So, next time you’re hesitant about putting all your eggs in one basket, remember Pixar’s success story. Take calculated risks, think outside the box, and watch as your project soars to new heights.