Escaping Wardens in Decked Out

Escaping Wardens in Decked Out

I have been eagerly anticipating the release of Decked Out for a long time, and it’s finally almost here. Like many other players, the anticipation has built up, but it seems like there is a slight hitch in the plans. During Tango’s stream, it was revealed that a couple of the wardens have managed to escape. This has created a sense of urgency to go and help capture them.

Without hesitation, Grian volunteers for the task at hand. Tango and the others are delighted by his enthusiasm and bravery. After a quick exchange, it is mentioned that powdered snow was the reason Grian didn’t take any damage. It’s interesting to learn new things every day, especially when it comes to game mechanics.

Despite Tango’s suggestion for Grian to use totems of undying, Grian decides to face the challenge totemless. He is confident in his abilities and believes he can handle the situation. Tango agrees and hands Grian some blocks to create a pathway for the wardens.

With a light-hearted banter and humor, Grian jokingly requests a fastpass to the front of the queue as a reward. Tango teases him about having to pass Scar, but it’s all in good fun. The task at hand is to bring the escaped wardens back to the designated area.

Grian inquires about the specific location where the wardens need to be brought back, and Tango points to a white area nearby. The wardens are three blocks tall, so they should be able to fit under a certain height and walk right up the pathway. Grian eagerly accepts the challenge and starts planning his strategy to successfully wrangle the wardens back to where they belong.

Decked Out’s release is just around the corner, and this unexpected obstacle adds an element of excitement and anticipation for players. It will be interesting to see how Grian tackles this mission and helps restore order in the game.